Twitter users can ‘Soft Block’ followers: Blocked users won’t be notified and won’t receive Tweets from the person blocking them

Twitter Soft Hard Block Tweets Direct Messages Feed
Soft Block someone on Twitter. Pic credit: mkhmarketing/Flickr

Twitter has officially rolled out the ability to “Soft Block” followers. The feature could soften the blow of being blocked by someone, and minimize possible rants or repercussions.

In addition to the standard “Hard Block”, Twitter now also allows users to “Soft Block” others. This feature seems like a precautionary measure to limit the blowback usually associated with such actions.

What is Twitter Soft Block and how is it different from Hard Block?

Twitter, as a social media, sometimes seems like hostile territory. Several users have routinely claimed that quite a few Twitter accounts routinely send out hurtful messages.

Until recently, the only way to ensure peace of mind, and protect one’s sanity, was to block an abusive Twitter account. And blocking essentially means to cut out the user completely.

Needless to mention, blocking is not viewed kindly, or as part of the game. There have been ample situations in which there have been hate speech rants and abuses hurdled at the person who has blocked someone.

Possibly to avoid such scenarios, and ensure an unpleasant verbal spat over Twitter, the microblogging social media has introduced Soft Block. The feature promises to accord all the benefits of Hard Blocking someone, with almost none of the repercussions or side effects.

The latest feature lets accounts remove some of their followers without having to block them. Twitter is calling it Soft Block as it is quite different than Hard Block while still having several similarities.

Soft Blocking permits the person removed to still see the tweets that the account is sending. Additionally, the blocked account can still send a direct message.

However, the Soft Blocked users will not be able to see the Tweets of the account that has blocked them, on their “Feed”. Twitter reportedly claims this is a much discreet way of blocking someone.

The platform implies Soft Blocking someone could help alleviate privacy and abuse-related concerns of users on the platform.

How to use the Soft Block feature?

Soft Block on Twitter could be similar to “Unfollow” on Facebook. Unfollow allows Facebook users to stop seeing posts of the person they are unfollowing. However, the two users can still stay friends.

Incidentally, Facebook not only has “Unfriend” but also has the traditional “Block” feature. Blocking someone on Facebook prevents the other party from establishing any contact, in addition to being unable to see anything the person is posting.

To Soft Block a Twitter account, head over to Profile, click Followers and tap on the three-dot menu next to any troublesome follower. Clicking “Remove this follower” should Soft Block the account.

The user who has been Soft Blocked will not receive any notification. With this feature, Twitter clearly wants to make the app experience more pleasant for its users. In other words, Twitter is trying to minimize the “Twitter Fights” that seem to routinely erupt on the platform.

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