WhatsApp has End-to-End Encryption, but has an alleged backdoor that unscrambles messages for ‘contract workers’ to view if users hit the ‘Report’ button
WhatsApp Privacy Settings tweaked to allow hiding ‘Last Seen’, Profile Photo, and About sections from select contacts
Twitter ‘Super Follows’ paid membership subscription to exclusive Tweets and content is here: Creators can keep 80% of revenue of $9.99 per month
Facebook compromises on WhatsApp Privacy Policy: Won’t force users to accept if they use the platform strictly for personal communication
Facebook tearing out Voice and Video Calling from its Messenger and stitching it back with the social media platform
Selective ‘Machine Unlearning’ could help scrub privacy-eroding algorithms and even delete the inferences gained from the processed data
Facebook deploys dedicated team to scrub platform of Taliban content: Social Media platform wants to proactively prevent incitement and hate speech
Facebook Privacy-Enhancing Technologies isn’t similar to Google FLoC: Tech giants promise to send only anonymized and aggregated user data for targeted advertising
Facebook Privacy Settings now distributed in multiple sections: Is finetuning personal security on social media getting easier or difficult?
WhatsApp ‘View Once’ feature will delete photos and videos after a single viewing but there are obvious limitations