Facebook will suspend WhatsApp Accounts that refuse to accept new Privacy Policy Update: Won’t delete accounts but will restrict them
Microsoft backs Australian ‘Link Tax’ that Google and Facebook claim will ‘break the Internet’, with a 5-point FAQ
Facebook smartwatch will run on Android AOSP: Here are the possible specifications, feature, price and launch date
Snapchat ‘Friend Check Up’ feature reminds users to trim their friend list with a ‘Snapchat is for Real Friends’ notification
Google Play Store to gets its own ‘Privacy Labels’ similar to Apple’s ‘Nutrition Labels’ for apps, suggests report
Facebook Messenger inside Oculus Quest VR gaming headsets could be a good thing for Virtual Reality usage and optimization
Instagram retiring traditional ‘Stories’ and replacing the same with ‘Vertical Stories’ ‘to take on TikTok’
[Update] Facebook launches Oculus App Lab to offer ‘Early Access’ to Virtual Reality Apps without sideloading
Instagram is offering ‘Recently Deleted’ section to add an extra layer of protection and ability to restore posts
Apple Inc. updates App Store Review Guidelines that clearly spell out what’s permitted on the iPhones