Apple Inc. release iOS and iPadOS 14.8: Critical OTA update for iPhone and iPad patches ‘actively exploited’ CoreGraphics and WebKit security vulnerabilities
PrintNightmare patched by third party: 0Patch Micropatching Service release free fix for all known security vulnerabilities with print server
Windows 10 automatic opt-in for PUA in Microsoft Defender: Disabling Potentially Unwanted Apps could cause some platforms to behave abnormally
A simple remote print server can grant Administrator privileges on any Windows PC: PrintNightmare vulnerability further weaponized for easy deployment and execution
Don’t explicitly trust Google Play Protect, concludes independent audit: ‘Every other security app offers better protection’?
Email continues to remain the most popular delivery medium for malware and viruses: Hackers going after companies through individual employees
XLoader modified for macOS: Windows OS malware offered as botnet loader service that can “recover” passwords from web browsers
Security vulnerability in Windows 10 and Windows 11 due to misconfigured Access Control List: ‘HiveNightmare’ bug can make anyone administrator?
Microsoft signed a rogue driver that sends data to China: Netfilter is rootkit under observation and scrutiny
New malware is trying hard to prevent access to pirated software, apps and games: ‘Vigilante’ campaign frequents shady websites for doing good