Microsoft Teams 2.0 for desktop gets new features: Based on Edge WebView2, platform uses Chromium rendering engine and multiple web technologies
Microsoft Teams gets ‘Spam Call Likely’ toast notification: Desktop and Web client will automatically evaluate incoming calls and identifies questionable ones
Windows 10 automatic opt-in for PUA in Microsoft Defender: Disabling Potentially Unwanted Apps could cause some platforms to behave abnormally
Email continues to remain the most popular delivery medium for malware and viruses: Hackers going after companies through individual employees
Google Drive is one of the most targeted by Spam Mail campaigns: GDrive users can finally and effectively block spammers easily but is it enough?
American Express fined for sending 4 Mn. ‘Spam’ emails: AmEx and other companies must understand difference between service and marketing email
Google releases research paper that explains why some email users receive more phishing emails and malware spam