PrintNightmare patched by third party: 0Patch Micropatching Service release free fix for all known security vulnerabilities with print server
Microsoft Windows 365 ‘Cloud PC’ platform is live: Subscription fees and other details for accessing remotely-hosted Windows 10 and 11 desktops for businesses
A simple remote print server can grant Administrator privileges on any Windows PC: PrintNightmare vulnerability further weaponized for easy deployment and execution
Install entire Linux Subsystem on Windows 10 with a single Command Line in Command Prompt: Latest WSL Kernel with Ubuntu as default distro
Microsoft Windows 11 to arrive in ‘Fall’ 2021 but is already the most popular and anticipated operating system, claims Satya Nadella
Microsoft will block PCs with ‘incompatible’ hardware from upgrading to Windows 11: Temporary bypass and workarounds to install OS to be disabled soon?
Security vulnerability in Windows 10 and Windows 11 due to misconfigured Access Control List: ‘HiveNightmare’ bug can make anyone administrator?
Microsoft Windows 10 will offer shorter game loading times with DirectStorage API but Windows 11 is ‘best for gaming’?