Amazon installed an advanced camera system from Netradyne, caller Driveri, inside its delivery vans earlier this year. These surveillance systems rely on Artificial Intelligence. And a new report suggests it is excessively critical and quick to “write up” drivers.
The new camera system that Amazon installed to “record driver behavior” for “safety purposes” is being unreasonably strict and reportedly docking pay, alleges a new report. Some drivers have claimed that the request for appeal falls on deaf ears.
Netradyne Driveri driver monitors and records road incidents of Amazon delivery van drivers for safety:
Earlier this year, Amazon started installing a new in-vehicle camera system that keeps an eye on the drivers as well as on the road. The company even mandated drivers to submit their biometric identifiers or risk termination of the job.
Needless to mention, several drivers quit, and many others expressed their displeasure. However, Amazon went ahead and installed the Driveri camera system, which Netradyne makes. The company claims the cameras boost safety and the quality of the delivery experience.
Amazon’s driver-monitoring AI cameras are being used to financially penalize delivery companies and drivers, and are constantly making mistakes. Dystopia! https://t.co/4bcdpv54cj
— Jason Koebler (@jason_koebler) September 20, 2021
The cameras can detect if a driver is tired, distracted, or not wearing a seatbelt. Additionally, with AI and biometric information, Amazon claims it can ensure only authorized drivers are operating its delivery vehicles.
Incidentally, Amazon doesn’t directly employ its delivery drives in the United States. Instead, the company works with “delivery service partners”. These partners work out of delivery depots, and they, in turn, work with drivers.
I guess @amazon driver safety not as important as Jeff going to space#Amazon
Amazon's AI-powered cameras punish its delivery drivers when they look at side mirrors or when other cars cut them off, report says https://t.co/Z7IyWkydTK via @Yahoo
The drivers may not work directly for the eCommerce company, but Amazon often dictates multiple aspects of a driver’s working conditions, including what goes in the vehicles. Needless to mention, the Netradyne ‘Driveri’ AI camera system is one of the company’s in-vehicle safety systems.
Netradyne Driveri driver monitoring and road incident recording system needlessly write up Amazon delivery van drivers?
The Netradyne ‘Driveri’ AI camera system reportedly has 13 preset safety rule-breaks. In other words, the AI-based system monitors and records 13 safety infractions of drivers. The system is always recording, and if it detects a violation, the recorded video gets uploaded and goes for a review.
Several Amazon delivery van drivers are now reportedly alleging the Driveri system excessively penalizes them for no wrongdoing on their part.
Some drivers claim the system makes poor judgments. The troubling aspect is any alleged error from the system has a real-world impact on the drivers’ weekly safety scores. This in turn can adversely affect weekly bonuses or other pays.
Even when the drivers are actually doing safe behavior, such as looking in their mirrors before changing lanes, Amazon's AI camera will tell the driver they're distracted because they turned their face to the mirror https://t.co/th3tMrAqMY pic.twitter.com/tRUXzecA0D
— Joseph Cox (@josephfcox) September 20, 2021
As with every automated system, the review process too takes a lot of time, or simply does not happen, claim some drivers. Amazon, however, continues to insist that there is a system in place to manually review appeals.
Some companies that work with Amazon allege that the Netradyne ‘Driveri’ AI camera system is a distraction as it constantly beeps at drivers. Some companies, and their drivers, are apparently raking up 600 to 700 “incidents” a week.
Amazon driver pulled onto the pavement as I was walking with my granddaughter. Unbelievably crass and dangerous driving @AmazonUK pic.twitter.com/SAmwdU0oiH
— Martin & Carolyn Turner (@SallySwann) September 20, 2021
Although the new surveillance system for drivers might appear excessive, several Amazon customers have complained about the company delivery service. The social media platforms have multiple complaints that claim Amazon drivers make inappropriate driving maneuvers, drive erratically, text while driving, mishandle packages, etc.