Cloud-first approach based on Microsoft Azure and AWS is slowing killing off Linux Sys Admin jobs, cautions developer

Linux Cloud
Linux Sys Admin Jobs going away due to cloud? Pic credit: ADMC/Pixabay

Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Microsoft Azure are increasingly killing off Linux, claims a developer. The new and increasingly attractive cloud-first approach is making Linux Sys Admin or Linux Architect jobs redundant.

Microsoft, a company that didn’t like Linux, has wholeheartedly embraced the platform. However, a “Cloud Architect” has more job opportunities than a “Linux Architect” owing to the changing approach to backend server infrastructure and needs.

Microsoft Azure and AWS responsible for plunging the needs of Linux Architects?

Microsoft is openly embracing Linux. Recent changes to the Windows 10 operating system clearly indicate the company wants to integrate Linux even deeper into the platform.

While Microsoft and Amazon may rely heavily on Linux for their servers, they are gradually killing jobs that require a Linux Architect. Engineering Director Mariano Rentería argues that the cloud infrastructure is killing off Linux jobs.

At the forefront of the cloud-as-a-service ecosystem are Microsoft Azure, Amazon Web Services (AWS), and Google Cloud. And these companies are responsible for the exponential jump in demand for Cloud Architects.

What Mariano is pointing out is that companies no longer host their own servers. The majority of tech companies, be it large or SMEs, do not prefer to have, own, or operate their own server farms on location.

Instead, companies are adopting a “cloud-first” approach. This basically involves creating IT projects working on remotely-hosted ‘cloud’ servers that are off the premises. These servers are located deep inside a server farm that either Microsoft, Amazon, or Google owns.

Incidentally, companies who “build to the cloud,” do not even build to Linux Virtual Machines (VM). Instead of OS-dependent processes, companies rely on platform-agnostic APIs and micro-services.

These APIs are detached from the host OS. In simple words, the processes need not have a specific OS platform. They can function on Linux or Windows OS just fine.

The new cloud-first approach needs a far fewer number of technicians. Moreover, if Amazon wanted to, they could easily shift their servers to another operating system without affecting the APIs companies connect to.

Is Linux, as an Operating System or platform, dying?

Microsoft has openly indicated its disapproval of Linux in the past. However, since the late 2000s, the Windows 10 OS maker has had a complete change of heart and approach.

Incidentally, there are more Linux instances on the Azure cloud services than those running on Windows Server. This means the tech giants prefer Linux for running server farms. But at the corporate level, companies prefer someone who can manage their cloud setup.

Interestingly, securing a Cloud Architect certification costs way less than securing one for Linux Architect, pointed out Mariano. The AWS exam currently costs $150, while the RedHat Certified Engineer certification costs $400 per exam.

It is important to note that Linux is not dying or fading away into oblivion. In fact, it is quite the opposite.

However, there’s far less demand for a person who is well-versed with the Linux ecosystem as companies prefer employees who have sufficient knowledge about the cloud infrastructure.

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