Microsoft relaxes critical hardware requirement to install Windows 11: TPM 2.0 pre-install condition already bypassed?

Windows 11 TPM Microsoft
Bypass TPM restrictions while installing Windows 11? Pic credit: Microsoft

Windows 11 isn’t officially released to the general PC users yet, and Windows 10 successor is already amidst an “upgrade” stumble. However, it turns out, PC users running Windows 10 could bypass the TPM requirement that Microsoft mandated for Windows 11.

During Windows 11 announcement, Microsoft insisted that a Trusted Platform Module (TPM) chip or a Firmware-based Trusted Platform Module (fTPM) of 2.0 standard is mandatory. However, it appears the company has relaxed the requirement for “special purpose” PCs. Moreover, determined individuals have found a way to bypass the TPM requirement while installing Windows 11.

Many Windows 10 users could face unnecessary hurdle while upgrading to Windows 11:

Microsoft recently launched Windows 11 and even promised that Windows 10 users can upgrade for free. The system requirements for the latest OS from Microsoft are certainly higher. But, the majority of modern-day PCs can support Windows 11.

There is, however, a requirement that could cause unnecessary trouble for Windows 10 PC users. Windows 11 will need a Trusted Platform Module (TPM) chip or a Firmware-based Trusted Platform Module (fTPM) of 2.0 standard, mentioned Microsoft.

Needless to mention, PCs purchased in the last two years usually have this feature. However, several PC users are simply unaware of the same. Additionally, quite a PCs have the feature disabled, and the only way to activate the same is to head over the computer’s UEFI BIOS.

Incidentally, Microsoft initially indicated PCs with an older TPM module could also upgrade to Windows 11. However, the company quickly redacted the statement. Simply put, TPM 2.0 is mandatory for Windows 11.

TPM 2.0 requirement for Windows 11 can be relaxed and even artificially eliminated while performing an upgrade:

Microsoft has relaxed this condition for certain computers used for “special purposes”. According to the official documentation, certain OEM PCs for “special purpose” commercial uses and custom orders need not have the TPM module to upgrade to Windows 11.

All such PCs will, however, need prior approval from Microsoft. It seems Microsoft will deploy custom-built Windows 11 ISO build for such PCs.

As it turns out, Windows 10 PC users who are determined to upgrade to Windows 11, can tweak the Windows 11 ISO. It is important to note that any modification to the Windows OS ISO could violate the user agreement, and usage policies.

With the customary warning out of the way, manipulating the leaked ISO build of Windows 11 is fairly easy. Merely editing a few Registry Keys while installing Windows 11 should ensure the installation progresses even if the computer lacks a TPM module.

Upon starting the Windows 11 setup, PCs without the TPM module present and activated, will splash the following screen:

Windows 11 TPM Secure Boot Restrictions
Splash Screen while installing Windows 11. Pic credit: WindowsLatest

At that screen, press Shift+F10 to open Command Prompt window and modify the registry. In Command Prompt, run regedit.exe and create a new key “LabConfig” under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\Setup.

In the “LabConfig” key, create two new entries:

  • BypassTPMCheck=dword:00000001
  • BypassSecureBootCheck=dword:00000001

Save the changes and compatibility errors will disappear.

Alternatively, simply create a .reg file beforehand with the following lines of code:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\Setup\LabConfig] “BypassTPMCheck”=dword:00000001 “BypassSecureBootCheck”=dword:00000001

Save the .reg file with a name such as TPMBypass.reg. During a clean install of Windows 11, when or if greeted with the message above, press Shift + F10, type ‘notepad’, and hit enter.

In Notepad, open the file menu and locate and apply the .reg (BypassTPM.reg) file. This will bypass the TPM+SecureBoot requirements.

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